Sorry, item "offcanvas-col1" does not exist.

Sorry, item "offcanvas-col2" does not exist.

Sorry, item "offcanvas-col3" does not exist.

Sorry, item "offcanvas-col4" does not exist.


How to work with the registry?
Use the filters at the right side:

  • If you chose a filter use "Apply filter"
  • If you want to clear a filter, choose "Reset filter" in the box. It also works automatically
  • If you want to clear all filter, choose the "Reset" button at the bottom of the side

Enjoy and have fun!

Body number: 15-09199

Chassis number: 1-0376971

Engine number: 1-0456145

Country: Austria

Year of production: 1952

Body number: 15-09252

Chassis number: 1-0391362

Engine number: X

Country: Germany

Year of production: 1952

Body number: 15-09299

Chassis number: 1-0432160

Engine number: 1-0523844

Country: Austria

Year of production: 1953

Body number: 15-092XX

Chassis number: 1-0392741

Engine number: X

Country: Netherlands

Year of production: 1952

Body number: 15-09377

Chassis number: 1-0362651

Engine number: 1-0438952

Country: England

Year of production: 1952

Body number: 15-09448

Chassis number: 1-0353760

Engine number: 1-0322074

Country: Netherlands

Year of production: 1952

Body number: 15-09452

Chassis number: 1-0364174

Engine number: X

Country: France

Year of production: 1952

Body number: 15-09478

Chassis number: 1-0355640

Engine number: X

Country: Germany

Year of production: 1952

Body number: 15-09493

Chassis number: X

Engine number: X

Country: Indonesia

Year of production: 1952

Body number: 15-09502

Chassis number: 1-0365073

Engine number: 1-0441985

Country: Italy

Year of production: 1952

Body number: 15-09613

Chassis number: 1-0366694

Engine number: 1-0443956

Country: Austria

Year of production: 1952

Body number: 15-09837

Chassis number: 1-0371026

Engine number: X

Country: USA

Year of production: 1952

Body number: 15-09838

Chassis number: 1-0371307

Engine number: X

Country: Norway

Year of production: 1952

Body number: 15-09842

Chassis number: 1-0370879

Engine number: 1-474642

Country: Norway

Year of production: 1952

Body number: 15-09885

Chassis number: 1-0371388

Engine number: 1-0449159

Country: Netherlands

Year of production: 1952

Body number: 15-09890

Chassis number: 1-0371483

Engine number: X

Country: Germany

Year of production: 1952

Body number: 15-09893

Chassis number: 1-0371496

Engine number: X

Country: Scotland

Year of production: 1952

Body number: 15-09922

Chassis number: 1-0371490

Engine number: 1-0449651

Country: France

Year of production: 1952

Registry filter

Production Year
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