Sorry, item "offcanvas-col1" does not exist.

Sorry, item "offcanvas-col2" does not exist.

Sorry, item "offcanvas-col3" does not exist.

Sorry, item "offcanvas-col4" does not exist.


How to work with the registry?
Use the filters at the right side:

  • If you chose a filter use "Apply filter"
  • If you want to clear a filter, choose "Reset filter" in the box. It also works automatically
  • If you want to clear all filter, choose the "Reset" button at the bottom of the side

Enjoy and have fun!

Body number: 15-11776

Chassis number: 1-0421037

Engine number: X

Country: Sweden

Year of production: 1953

Body number: 15-11781

Chassis number: 1-0421710

Engine number: X

Country: Norway

Year of production: 1952

Body number: 15-12036

Chassis number: 1-0434106

Engine number: 1-0633400

Country: Bulgaria

Year of production: 1953

Body number: 15-12341

Chassis number: 1-0445628

Engine number: X

Country: Canada

Year of production: 1953

Body number: 15-12420

Chassis number: 1-0448453

Engine number: X

Country: Argentina

Year of production: 1953

Body number: 15-12829

Chassis number: 1-0462508

Engine number: X

Country: USA

Year of production: 1953

Body number: 15-12912

Chassis number: X

Engine number: X

Country: Germany

Year of production: 1953

Body number: 15-XXXXX

Chassis number: 1-0262705

Engine number: X

Country: France

Year of production: 1951

Body number: 15-XXXXX

Chassis number: 1-0147530

Engine number: X

Country: Switzerland

Year of production: 1950

Body number: 15-XXXXX

Chassis number: 1-0151841

Engine number: X

Country: Germany

Year of production: 1950

Body number: 15-XXXXX

Chassis number: 1-0168272

Engine number: X

Country: Portugal

Year of production: 1950

Body number: 15-XXXXX

Chassis number: 1-0176915

Engine number: 1-0212270

Country: USA

Year of production: 1950

Body number: 15-XXXXX

Chassis number: 1-0178988

Engine number: X

Country: Germany

Year of production: 1950

Body number: 15-XXXXX

Chassis number: 1-0187120

Engine number: 1-0209088

Country: Greece

Year of production: 1950

Body number: 15-XXXXX

Chassis number: 1-0200645

Engine number: X

Country: Ireland

Year of production: 1950

Body number: 15-XXXXX

Chassis number: 1-0206810

Engine number: X

Country: Scotland

Year of production: 1950

Body number: 15-XXXXX

Chassis number: 1-0207675

Engine number: 1-0249804

Country: Sweden

Year of production: 1950

Body number: 15-XXXXX

Chassis number: 1-0212718

Engine number: 1-0256219

Country: USA

Year of production: 1950

Registry filter

Production Year
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